Four Years of Delayed Pregnancy Experience

4 Years of Delayed Pregnancy: My Wife’s Personal Experience

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Many women (and men since we are partners in marriage) have had varying experiences in matters concerning pregnancy. I witnessed it when four years after having our first child, my wife failed to get Pregnant according to her heart's desire. Well, in matters of conception, it is like the woman is the pilot and the man is the copilot or what do you think? So the man had better let the woman pilot the ship as it were, to a safe berth. She was disturbed and she clearly demonstrated it because the feeling of shock, helplessness, tantrums and later depression began to manifest. Did I feel the same way? Yes, I did, but I did not have to express it exactly the way she did. Otherwise the home will be a very uncomfortable place to stay. I developed a shock absorbing spirit knowing that she was going through an emotional trauma. When life denies you what you desire most would you stage a fight for it?

I knew nothing was wrong with her at the beginning, but she could not stomach this four years of delayed pregnancy. I did tag along with her when she opted for medical tests and all that goes with it. The doctor confirmed that there was nothing wrong and advised her to relax and free her mind from stress. That sounded like an impossible thing to do, but I stimulated her to toe that line by waving off any discussion involving getting pregnant either at home or outside. We just enjoyed being together, caring for our son and behaving as if nothing was wrong. I noticed the silent undercurrent of the feeling of giving up hope or something of a sort, that resonates in her discussion with her mum whenever she visited us.

 Then something happened in the middle of the year 1990. I noticed the signs of pregnancy in her, but I did not want to talk about it to avoid ruffling feathers. I observed that she had not noticed that she was pregnant and this was confirmed when her elder sister who was a Matron in a big hospital paid her a visit. Just one look at her and the lady asked my wife if she was pregnant, she said no and began her usual expression of disappointment. The lady insisted that she was pregnant and suggested they go for a pregnancy test the next day. They went and behold, she was almost three months pregnant without noticing any changes in her system. You might say that it is unbelievable, but remember that when you want to stop a painful experience from disturbing you, it is psychologically advisable that you switch off the supply of current to that feeling.  Don't you think so? I believed that by successfully switching off the depressive disturbance from overtaking her emotion each time the issue of not getting pregnant flashes through her mind, her system stabilized and she conceived.

When she broke the news of the positive result of the pregnancy test to me in the evening, I told her that I noticed it a month earlier, but she would not believe me until I pointed out some observations I made, which her sister confirmed to be some simple early warning pregnancy signal.  She quipped "but why did you keep silent without telling me as you knew my feelings, to which I responded "you were in control as the pilot, but I did not want to rock the boat" and I added "but who, between us should tell each other that you were pregnant, you who is carrying the baby or me who is just an observer? That's where that conversation ended, the rest was history. Guess what.... My dear reader; the baby came a bouncing boy. I decided to end the story of getting pregnant then, but she said she wants a baby girl to complete the companionship. This time around, she had no problem as she easily got pregnant, and was cool through the gestation period till the baby came and was a girl.

I believe, as Lisa Olson, a nutritionist, health consultant and former infertility sufferer who thought she was infertile but got pregnant at age 43 would imply in her 240-page eBook, Pregnancy Miracle; that when there is a conception or infertility problem, it is more of disequilibrium or imbalance in the body system which she discovered and exploited to get pregnant after fourteen years of presumed infertility, rather than an issue of surgery and all that.

 If you have infertility issues, get the Pregnancy Miracle eBook, devour (don't just read) the book, go through it over and over again with the support of your spouse of course, and start implementing the recommendations step by step. It may not be long before you get Pregnant if you apply her techniques religiously.

You can read the testimonies of several women who were presumed to be infertile but had their misfortune transformed after getting and studying the eBook and applying the instructions to the letter Click Here to Read.

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